Two essential vSAN alerts you should create.

When working with our vSAN installation I came across two vital vSAN alerts that I think everybody should create.

Without going into details we have had some problems with faulty hardware/software and I noticed that some events on the hosts did not result in vCenter Alerts. The events deal with errors in the checksum calculation and these events could be an indication of a potential problem ether with vSAN software or the disks.

Virtual SAN detected and fixed a medium or checksum error

This alert will warn if vSAN detects and fixes a medium or checksum error. This warning should be taken seriously and you have to check your hardware. (And maybe your backup…)


The trigger must be the event: esx.problem.vob.vsan.dom.errorfixed and set Status to Warning (or whatever you want)


Then this alert should fire if vSAN fixes a checksum error.


Virtual SAN detected an unrecoverable medium or checksum error

This alert will warn if vSAN detects but cannot fix the medium or checksum error. If you get this alert, call VMware support and check your backup.


The trigger must be the event: esx.problem.vob.vsan.dom.unrecoverableerror and set Status to Alert (or whatever you want)


Hopefully, you will never get this.